Monday, November 16, 2009

World Of Technology

yahooo...... holiday sudeyh datang.

mcm2 aku plan nk buat masa cuti. yang penting, aku nak kaji lebih banyak dalam computer.

first skali kena beli external la. external aku yang 3.5'' dah buat perangai.

entah macamana power supply boleh rosak. 

my next external is 500gb 2.5! yeah... senang sikit keje aku.

tak payah fikir nak sambung2 wayar dah.

ok, sekarang ni laptop aku running windows XP, 7 and Ubuntu 9.10 in virtualbox, and Windows Vista as a host.

once i running those guest OS, my machine will hang a bit. 

of course la, CQ40-115AU with 2gb RAM is not strong enough to run two OS in one time. 

last week, my virtualbox was crash. got some critical error.

i wonder why this happen. so, i reinstall Sun Virtualbox software, but its still the same.

after that, i noticed that i didnt logoff my guest account in host OS.

so, i logoff the  the account and try to run virtualbox once again and its work.

i also got another problem while using virtualbox.

my 7 and ubuntu cant view with effect and best appearence because of my hardware.

if i have the high-end spec, of course i can get the best appearence.

i like virtualbox because i dont need to reboot my lappy to run another OS.

for those who wanna try virtualbox, you can ask Mr. Google to get a clear view about this thing.

then download the virtualbox software here.

its time for us to explore the madness of technology!

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